

任何注册的赌博平台学生都可以使用我们的Services. Alumni of 赌博平台 are also welcomed to use our Services as well as anyone who is applying to enroll at 赌博平台.

爱丁堡: Monday-Thursday 9 am-5 pm; Friday 9 am-1 pm;

布朗斯威尔: Monday-Thursday 9 am-5 pm; Friday 9 am-12 pm


虽然两个写作中心都关闭了, one tutor is available to provide feedback for asynchronous online submissions from Friday 1 pm- Sunday 5 pm.

我们最慢的时间大约是开学的前三周. 到目前为止,我们最忙的时候是期中和期末考试的时候. We highly encourage our students to use our Services with enough time to receive feedback and apply any necessary revisions, 最好在作业截止日期前至少3到4天.

因为在这段时间里,通常会有大量的学生要求我们提供Services, you may receive a message indicating that we cannot provide feedback the same day and encouraged you to submit your paper the following day. Plan accordingly for these periods by using one of our online Services as soon as you receive your assignment or at least 3 or 4 days before it is due.

写作中心 consultants consist of 赌博平台 graduates and undergraduates from different disciplines and classifications. 他们很强壮, experienced writers who undergo weekly trainings to effectively act as peer tutors and to help students learn better strategies for revising their writing.

In-person on-campus sessions or synchronous 在线会议s will be available by appointment only. 在线异步会话也将可用. 安排约会 或者登陆我们的网站 Services.

If you are submitting a paper online through our asynchronous “发送作业” service, 你不需要预约. 然而, 如果您想进行Zoom咨询或校园预约, 那么你必须通过我们的缩放链接安排预约.

Students are sent a link before their appointed time which they will click to join the session. Typically, the Share Screen function on Zoom will be used to read and discuss the paper together. Consultants will comment on the higher concerns of writing first such as clarity of thesis or purpose statement, 组织, 以及思想的阐述. Students should either take notes, make comments, or revise their paper as it is being discussed. 除了, students will be made aware of any grammar error patterns that are occurring in their papers and will be instructed on how to revise these errors. Students may need multiple sessions, depending on the number of issues that need to be addressed.

如果您无法参加预定的Zoom咨询或校园预约, 只需发邮件至 wc@jackielui.net 通知水务委员会.

提供你的作业说明(1).e. 提示,长度,引用风格)和任何你想要反馈的写作. You do not need to present a draft of your writing if you need help with brainstorming or planning. 此外,您还需要提供您的学生号和赌博平台电子邮件地址.

是的,包括周末在内,每周总共有4次会议或提交. You may have any combination of session submission you wish (for example two Zoom sessions, 一次在线提交, 和一个面对面的会议). 每天的会议次数取决于是否有顾问.


不,我们不校对或编辑写作. Our feedback is intended to respect a student’s voice and encourage independent revision. We provide students with feedback rather than proofreading because proofreading is simply telling you what to fix and delete while receiving feedback allows you to learn and apply these concepts to future assignments.

Our feedback in initial sessions mostly focuses on the higher-order concerns (HOCs) of writing related to purpose, 观众, 类型, 和组织. Feedback about grammar is addressed in later sessions by making students aware of patterns of errors occurring in the writing and providing grammar rules that students can apply when revising.

Zoom consultation or on-campus appointments will provide immediate feedback while online asynchronous sessions may take from 24 to 48 hours for feedback.

这取决于你作业的长度. 因为我们只有30分钟的时间来回复学生的提交, we encourage students to submit their drafts multiple times in case we are not able to provide feedback for your whole paper in one 30-minute session.

We provide proof of attendance in the form of a stamp for walk-in sessions and an official email for 在线会议s which indicates the time date of your asynchronous or synchronous session.

是的, 我们可以在个人写作方面提供帮助, 包括个人陈述, 简历, 上诉, 博客, 电子邮件, 求职信, 创意写作/项目, 等.

我们可以帮你找到可靠的消息来源, 提供适当的引用格式,如APA, MLA, 和芝加哥风格, 并指导你如何正确地解释.

是的, you can schedule a Zoom consultation with your entire group to receive immediate feedback on the entire paper or send in your individual writing section for partial feedback. 如果提交异步在线提交, 请记住,我们只能为您的论文部分提供反馈.

We cannot provide written feedback on an exam or quiz without written permission from your professor or indicated on your course syllabus.

通常情况下,我们确实在学期之间提供有限的辅导. Check our social media pages or website for updates on holiday hours or availability between semesters.

是的, 如果你是校友,你可以使用我们的Services, especially if you need help with a personal statement to apply to one of our 赌博平台 programs.

校园是否应该重新开放, 我们已经实施了几项安全措施,如加强清洁, 能力有限, 我们的桌子中间用有机玻璃隔开, 继续提供在线Services.


Considering that the WC serves the entire campus if professors are requiring all of their students to receive feedback from the WC, we ask that they contact us ahead of time to provide us with any relevant assignment information and to discuss how we can coordinate appointment times for their students. 尽管我们感谢他们的支持, 教授们应该注意,在学期的高峰时段, 一些学生可能仍然会被拒之门外.



写作中心在这里提供帮助! 赌博平台的写作中心致力于通过写作赋予学生力量, 不管他们之前的经历或写作过程的阶段如何. 我们的同伴导师团队由来自不同学科的赌博平台学生组成, 谁接受过培训,可以提供免费且方便的写作辅导(面对面或在线), (同步和异步)发给所有赌博平台本科生和研究生. Tutors are available to help students implement revision strategies for a variety of writing-related concerns including content, 结构, 组织, 有效利用可靠的资源, 以及引文格式.

去安排一个 在线会议 或者一个 面对面的约会.

问题? 联系写作中心 wc@jackielui.net 或访问我们的网站了解更多信息.

是的, the WC offers class presentations on essential writing topics such as citing correctly to avoid plagiarism, 组织思想, 改进论文陈述等等. 我们还提供有关我们Services的介绍, 我们还可以就教授要求的主题进行演讲或研讨会.


不,当你被学生权利和责任推荐给我们时,你必须发电子邮件 马格达莱纳.flores@jackielui.net or wc@jackielui.net 开始安排您的会话.


你必须参加至少两次会议, 但总次数将由与您一起工作的工作人员决定.

每个单独的工作坊将持续一小时. The scheduling of all workshops will depend on both our staff member's and your schedule.